Friday, October 26, 2012

Bringing Up Baby

After months of waiting, Modern Family is finally back with Season 4! I am such a big fan of the show so I have decided to come up with posts about every episode this season! Initially, this blog was supposed to revolve around the local shows and showbizness, but we have decided to offer something more since we also love foreign shows. :)

Modern Family 
Season 4 Episode 1
"Bringing Up Baby"

The Issue : It's Jay's 65th birthday today!At the beginning of the episode, he says that he would prefer a simple birthday part with no surprises.One thing I love about this show is that there are surprises every time, so Jay would definitely not be getting his wish at all.

Jay :" Just so everyone knows, I want a quiet day.No surprises."

The Surprise: Just like what I have said, Jay could not seem to escape any surprise.His friends, together with Phil, decide to "kidnap" him for a while for his birthday.

 The Issue : Gloria is pregnant and she doesn't know how if her husband and the other family member would take it well.Let's face it, Gloria and Jay seem to be older than the usual couples who you would expect to have a baby.This surprising twist is really interesting since I didn't see this coming at all.

Meanwhile In Mitch and Cam's home...
The Issue: After their plan to adopt another child failed, they have been trying to conceal their devastation towards this matter.One morning, there's this awkward talk between Cam and Mitch.They are talking about coffee since they wanted to avoid the topic.And....there's an elephant in the room, as in literally.

and a gorilla...According to them,these are baby presents from their gay friends.But since there's no baby, they decided to bring it back to the store.

The Surprise: Lily has been very vocal during the past season,saying that she does not want her two daddies to adopt another baby.And now, she becomes very demanding and wants a kitten if she can't have a baby brother.

The Revelation (Their reaction to Gloria's pregnancy)
Manny : It's just a lot to take in.And I'll be honest, this isn''t coming at a great time for me, with everything I've got going on.

Claire : You're going to get fat!

Phil and Luke
Luke : Eww,Gross. I didn't know Grandpa could still do it.
Phil: Don't be disrespectful, Luke.Anyone could do it with Gloria.

 And to the most important person...
 Jay : That's the greatest news I've ever heard...I spent a day hearing what my future had instore with me, and I didn't like one bit of it.Felt like my life was ending. And now you, telling me that I get to have a new start, with the woman of my dreams, I think I'm going to cry.

What I really love about this episode is that I was able to see Jay's reaction towards Gloria's pregnancy.If you have seen previous series and episodes of Modern Family, you would know that Jay has a strong character and he rarely shows his emotional side.But with this episode, it all changes that! His quote, as shown above, is just really sweet. I'm just to excited to watch out for upcoming episodes:)

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